Biomag - Encyclopedia of Health Conditions - Hip Pain
Hip Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Exercises and Treatment

Author MUDr. Peter Bednarčík CSc.

Does your hip pain make it difficult to walk or sit? In some cases, it won’t even let you sleep, because the pain of lying down won’t let you “work” at night. The causes can be very varied, so it is advisable to familiarise yourself with this topic so that you know how to combat the pain.
Find out what the causes are, and what treatment options exist. How to suppress hip pain ? Read more here.
Symptoms of hip pain
- The pain can take different forms – most often sharp, dull or aching.
- It is often accompanied by a feeling of stiffness or limited range of motion.
- Sometimes swelling of the joint is also added.
- Pain can occur when sitting, lying down or walking.
The place where the pain comes from indicates what is causing it. Pain inside the joint or in the groin: indicates a problem directly with the hip joint. Pain around the joint, in the thigh or buttocks: this is usually a sign of problems with the muscles, ligaments or tendons in the hip area[1],[2]
Hip pain from the spine is not uncommon and is usually related to problems in the lower back. Patients sometimes describe it as back pain shooting into the hip. [3]
Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Do not use this or any other article on the internet to make a diagnosis. Don’t put off seeing a doctor and address your condition early.
Hip pain - description and causes
Hip pain, a common problem in older age, can make walking and sitting difficult. It can be acute or chronic. It depends on how long the painful condition lasts. Acute pain lasts for days or weeks. Chronic pain is long-term and lasts for more than 3 months. [4]
Anatomy of the hip

The hip is one of the largest joints in the body. It connects the lower limbs and the trunk, providing support for the entire body.
The hip is a spherical joint consisting of a head, which is at the upper end of the femur, and a socket formed by the bones in the pelvis. The shape and characteristics of the hip allow for a variety of movements – flexion, extension, extension away from the body, extension towards the body axis, external rotation and internal rotation.
A healthy hip is a very strong and stable joint, but a number of diseases or conditions can weaken it and limit its function. The hip joint is made up of different components:
- Bones,
- cartilage,
- joint lining,
- bursa (a small fluid-filled sac around the joints and tendons),
- ties,
- tendons,
- muscles. [5]
Causes of hip pain
Hip pain can have various causes. In general, they can be divided into five categories:
1. Arthritis and osteoarthritis (inflammatory joint disease and degenerative joint disease with cartilage wear). This group includes, but is not limited to: rheumatoid arthritis – a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the joints psoriatic arthritis – an inflammatory joint disease occurring in patients with psoriasis (psoriasis)
2 . Neurological disorders (sciatica – sciatica, nerve oppression, etc.)
4. Cancer (bone tumors, leukemia)
- Osteonecrosis – the death of bone tissue,
- fibromyalgia – chronic, non-inflammatory pain syndrome of the musculoskeletal system,
- osteomyelitis – inflammation of the bone marrow,
- Osteoporosis – loss of bone mass referred to as bone thinning. [6]
Women may also experience hip pain in pregnancy. This is a common condition caused by hormonal changes, increased weight or a different posture. The problems usually dissipate after childbirth. [7]
Diagnosis and examination - When to see a doctor?
- The problem limits your normal daily activities (e.g. hip pain when walking or hip pain when sitting),
- the pain gradually worsens,
- pain and other difficulties repeatedly return,
- hip pain at night disturbs sleep. [8]
A doctor will perform a basic examination to check the mobility and pain in your hip and assess any swelling or signs of inflammation.
Diagnostic imaging – X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography– is also used. Laboratory blood tests can reveal an inflammatory disease that is causing the hip pain.
Did you know?
- Hip pain affects 10% of the population.
- Problems are more common with increasing age. [9]
- Women report hip pain more often than men.
- A survey of people aged over 60 showed that 14% of respondents had experienced significant hip pain on most days in the six weeks prior to the survey. [10]
Complications when left untreated
Untreated hip pain can lead to a number of complications.
- Chronic pain. It can limit your ability to carry out everyday activities.
- Restriction of movement. It can lead to reduced range of motion and limit the performance of normal activities such as walking, running.
- Deterioration of the hip joint. It can lead to progressive damage including arthritis and osteoarthritis.
- Impaired physical condition. It can lead to reduced mobility, reduced physical activity and increased risk of obesity.
Chronic pain
Restriction of mobility
Deteriorated joint condition
Depression, anxiety
We recommend not postponing treatment of hip pain
Do not delay treatment for hip pain and see a specialist if you have any health problems or doubts about your health. This will prevent unnecessary health complications.
Treatment of hip pain
Hip pain can be dealt with in different ways. The exact form of treatment depends on the cause of the difficulty. Generally speaking, medication, physiotherapy or surgical procedures are used in the treatment.
Medication for hip pain
Pain of muscular origin or osteoarthritis:
- over-the-counter painkillers,
- anti-inflammatory drugs,
- prescription painkillers,
- muscle relaxants – if the hip pain is caused by muscle tension.
Rheumatoid arthritis:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
- corticosteroids,
- disease-modifying drugs (DMARDs),
- biological treatment. [11]
Treatment for hip pain can only be determined by your doctor after considering your overall health. Therefore, do not use this article as a guide to treatment, which can only be determined by a doctor.

The physiotherapist will prepare a set of appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises to help relieve pain and improve hip mobility. Pain relief can also be brought by:
- Cold and warm compresses (cold relieves pain, heat prepares muscles for stretching exercises),
- hydrotherapy and massage,
- weight reduction,
- regime measures. [12]
Regimen measures or what helps for hip pain in the home environment?
- Ensure a comfortable sitting and sleeping position.
- At night, try not to sleep on the sore side of your body all night.
- Get an ergonomic chair and don’t use too soft chairs and couches.
- Stretch regularly during the day and don’t stay in the same position for long. [13]
Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment is used in the most serious cases, such as fractures, cancer, necrosis, bone marrow inflammation, etc. In some diagnoses (e.g. osteoarthritis), the solution is to replace the hip with an artificial joint (total hip replacement). [14]
Pain after hip surgery is normal, but should gradually ease. By 12 weeks after surgery, it should be almost gone. [15]
Prevention of hip problems
Some hip problems are related to wear and tear and age, in other cases musculoskeletal disorders are to blame. Although not all problems can be completely prevented, basic preventive measures can delay or slow the development of hip pain.
What else helps?
- Stretching and strengthening in the hip joints and trunk.
- Correct posture.
- Regular sports that do not put excessive strain on the hips (e.g. swimming, yoga, walking).
- Healthy diet and maintaining a reasonable weight. [16]
Tip: Hip pain when running ? Try swapping running for walking.
Everyday life with hip pain: tips and advice
- Start your day with exercise. Do stretching and strengthening exercises, ideally as recommended by a physiotherapist. For example, strengthening the outside of the thighs is important. Example exercise: lie on your side and lift the other ‘top’ leg approximately 15 cm in the air. Leave it raised for 5 seconds and put it back down. Repeat the exercise 10 times. If possible, do the exercise on both sides of the body. If hip pain is too uncomfortable when lying on your side, you can do the exercise standing up.
- Avoid activities that involve jumping or impact on the lower limbs. Instead of running, take up walking.
- If you experience pain in your hip during the day, you can relieve it with a cold compress. The cold also helps against inflammation. Cool your hip for 10-15 minutes and repeat the compress four times a day.
- Take advantage of the beneficial effect of heat. Heat soothes sore arthritic joints, increases circulation and promotes healing. A warm compress also prepares muscles well for exercise. [17]
- Hip pain when sleeping on your side can be caused by an unsuitable mattress. A mattress that is too hard can put pressure on the hip and cause pain. So make sure you sleep properly. If you sleep on your side, try putting a pillow between your knees. [18]
Remark: Hip pain exercises – get advice from a physiotherapist. Hip pain at rest – may be caused by inappropriate sitting with legs crossed and without back support.
How to maintain an active lifestyle even in pain?
Knowing your diagnosis is the key to managing hip pain and staying as active as possible. This enables your doctor to recommend appropriate treatment and regimes. If you avoid bad habits (poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, being overweight) and take care of your body (regular exercise, stretching), you can stay active even with hip disease. [19]
You can also support good joint health by eating a good diet. Recommended foods include:
- Foods rich in calcium – dairy products, tofu, almonds.
- Leafy greens, broccoli, turnips – in addition to calcium, they contain vitamin K and magnesium and thus promote bone density.
- Fatty marine fish, fish oil – contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects, and vitamin D. The body needs it for calcium absorption.
- Nuts and seeds – thanks to calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, they are important for healthy bones.
- Bone broth – contains amino acids, glucosamine and chondroitin.
All these substances help to keep the joints in good condition. [20]
Liebscher-Bracht exercises
The German pain specialist Roland Liebscher-Bracht has developed a method that relieves patients of pain naturally and in the long term. These are various exercises that promote mobility and strengthen the muscles.
In the case of right hip pain, for example, this exercise:
- Prepare an exercise belt designed for this exercise (an alternative is a conventional belt) and sit on the edge of the chair.
- Place your right leg in the loop on the exercise belt and pull your leg up to place it on your left knee.
You should feel a stretch in your hip. - After two minutes, return the leg to its original position.
If at first you are unable to raise your leg fully, add a few centimetres each day to gradually get to the desired position. [21]
Liebscher und Bracht hip exercises to promote mobility and relieve pain can be found at:
Latest findings on hip pain treatment
- Hip pain medications do not always have the necessary or long-lasting effect and hip surgery may not be appropriate or affordable for all patients. In addition, up to 15% of people continue to have pain after hip replacement.
- In these cases, doctors are looking at new treatments – radiofrequency ablation is an example. The essence of the procedure is to apply a radiofrequency current to the nerves that send pain signals from the affected joint. Their “deactivation” relieves patients of pain or alleviates painful conditions. It is used, for example, for pain caused by osteoarthritis. [22]
Important information when dealing with hip pain
- Hip pain can indicate a problem with any part of the hip joint (bone, cartilage, tendons, muscles and more).
- Treatment depends on the exact cause of the problem – the most common diagnoses include arthritis, osteoarthritis, neurological diseases, injuries or osteoporosis.
- Various types of painkillers, physiotherapy or surgical solutions are used in therapy.
- Regular exercise, good posture and a good quality sleeping mattress are important to better manage everyday hip pain.
Proper weight is also essential so that excess weight does not put strain on the painful hip joints.
Summary and recommendations for dealing with hip pain
See a doctor
Treatment for hip pain is always determined by your doctor based on a general examination, an assessment of your condition and an accurate diagnosis.
Causal treatment of hip pain
After a general examination, your doctor will recommend treatment for the cause of your hip pain. They will also advise you on possible lifestyle adjustments and the next course of action.
Relieving pain, swelling and inflammation
Symptomatic treatment focuses on the symptoms of the disease. Such treatment can significantly improve your quality of life and support comprehensive treatment during the course of the disease.
Sources, references and literature
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Healthline, 10. November 2020. Available at: [2] Hip Joint.
Cleveland Clinic, 30.1.2023.
Available at: [3] Pollock D. M. What is the difference between acute and chronic pain?
Medical News Today, 31. March 2023. Available at: [4] Pollock D. M. What is the difference between acute and chronic pain?
Medical News Today, 31. March 2023. Available at: [5] Hip Joint.
Cleveland Clinic, 30.1.2023.
Available at: [6] Hip Pain.
Mayo Clinic, 1. September 2023. Available at: [7] Marcin A. How to Relieve and Prevent Hip Pain During Pregnancy. Healthline, 18. April 2023. Available at: [8] Hip pain in adults. NHS, 11. March 2022. Available at: [9] Ahuja V., Thapa D., Patial S. et al.
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J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol .
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WebMD, 8. March 2022. Available at:[12] Watson S. Hip Pain: Causes and Treatment.
WebMD, 8. March 2022. Available at:[13] Iftikhar N. Why You May Have Hip Pain When You’re Sitting.
Healthline, 10. November 2020. Available at:[14] Cirino E. Treating the Various Causes of Hip Pain.
Healthline, 28. September 2018. Available at:[15] Thakkar S.C. Hip Replacement Recovery: Q&A with a Hip Specialist.
Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2024.
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Preventing Hip Pain and Treatment Options.
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Everyday Health, 2. February 2023. Available at:[18] Cirino E. Treating the Various Causes of Hip Pain.
Healthline, 28. September 2018. Available at:[19] These Bad Habits Are Making Your Hip Pain Worse.
The Spine and Sports Center, 2024.
Available at:[20] 14 Foods to Reduce Joint Pain.
Cary Orthopaedics, 2024.
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How to supress pain, swelling and inflammation?
The solution may be symptomatic treatment using pulsed magnetic therapy, which targets symptoms and signs such as pain, swelling and inflammation. In addition, such treatment can support comprehensive treatment and significantly improve quality of life.
Basic principle
The basic principle of Biomag 3D pulsed magnetic therapy is the generation of electromagnetic pulses. These pulses penetrate through the clothing and through the entire depth of the tissue to the point of targeted application. The pulses have specially developed biotropic parameters (e.g. frequency, shape, intensity) to best affect various health problems.
What are the effects of 3D magnetic therapy?
- It helps to relieve pain.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Supports the control of swelling.
How is the therapy applied?
The application is very simple. Select the desired therapeutic effect on the device and attach the connected applicator to the desired application site. Magnetic therapy is usually applied 2 times a day for 20 minutes. We will be happy to help you try this method free of charge and advise you which device to buy.